Inspection Reports
The ISI inspection framework is approved by the Department for Education. Schools undergo a scheduled inspection broadly every three years. Inspections report on a school’s compliance with the Independent School Standards Regulations, and where applicable the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Inspections result in a binary judgement of ‘met’ or ‘not met’ against each applicable standard. Safeguarding, welfare, and health and safety are a priority in all inspections.
“I’m delighted with the outstanding feedback from the ISI inspectors during their recent inspection. They were rigorous and meticulous in their inspection, looking at every aspect of the curriculum, school culture, safeguarding, leadership and governance. They canvassed opinions from pupils and parents, interviewed staff and Governors, observed lessons and playtimes, and in the process gained a deep understanding and appreciation of daily life at Blackheath Prep. They rightly recognised the richness and diversity of the curriculum, the culture of kindness and respect, the robust and effective leadership of the school, and the high academic standards achieved by pupils.” Guy Sanderson, Headmaster and CEO, Eltham College Family of Schools.