
We know that choosing a school for your child is a very important decision and we are delighted that you are considering Blackheath Prep for your child’s education. Nursery is where their adventure begins at Blackheath Prep and is the main entry point for children joining our school. We do not have an intake at Reception for children aged 4+.
To find out more, watch our video with Melissa Forbes, Head of Early Years at Blackheath Prep.
To register your child for a Nursery place, click here
In Nursery, we nurture the children’s natural curiosity, creativity and critical thinking through fun, play- based tasks across a full school day.
We strive to offer a lively, fun and inspiring learning environment in which children have the freedom to express their own uniqueness and form positive relationships with others. We support children in making sense of their world through both child-initiated and adult-led learning opportunities, in an environment where they feel safe and cared for.
Play is at the heart of our provision, as it is our belief that children need to be actively involved in meaningful learning experiences. Play encourages them to practise and build on skills, work collaboratively with others, explore, observe, experiment and solve problems. It enables children to learn in a stimulating and interactive environment that is secure and safe, yet challenging.
No two Nursery days are alike, as the structure alters to accommodate additional activities, such as Forest School and specialist lessons including French, Drama, Dance, PE and Music. Our qualified and highly experienced staff will ensure activities are suited to your child’s unique needs and interests and help to build on their personal, social, physical and intellectual development, through both carefully planned provision and adult-led activities.
A child’s early years are precious and, developmentally, the most essential. This makes working in partnership with parents through open communication vital to ensuring the success of each child. It is our aim to make every day count towards empowering your child to find joy in becoming a self-motivated and lifelong learner.
Melissa Forbes