We are currently taking applications for pupils wishing to join our Prep at 7+ in 2025 (full fee paying). For further details, please contact our Admissions Office on 020 8305 5062.

As children move into Year 3, their journey at the Prep begins. They are prepared for the transition with a focus on independence and building confidence. Additional places for Year 3 sometimes arise and pupils are assessed during our 7+ assessment day.  

We have two Prep forms per year group, each with their own form teacher. Lessons are taught increasingly by specialist teachers, with Form teachers assuming responsibility for the pastoral care of their pupils. In Years 3 and 4, teachers are also supported by teaching assistants. 

Our focus remains on developing a sound knowledge base, curiosity and the ability to think critically. Pupils are encouraged to become inquisitive and independent learners and to make the most of every opportunity provided through the broad and varied subject areas and the range of facilities and resources on offer.  

Blackheath Prep pupils achieve outstanding results in senior school entrance exams for both the maintained and the independent sectors, and also excel in Academic, Music, Drama, Art and Sport scholarship offers. The preparation they receive is well structured and responds to the needs of individual pupils. Advice and support is provided for parents during the secondary school transfer process and pupils leave Blackheath Prep well-prepared to meet the challenges of their secondary education.  Read more about this year’s superb offers here.

As part of the Eltham College Family of Schools, our pupils also benefit from a priority places scheme, enabling them to sit the entrance exam in the September of Year 6 ahead of external candidates if they select Eltham College as their senior school of choice.

Odile Clark


To find out more about available places, and details of what a Blackheath Prep education can offer your child contact our Admissions Office on 020 8305 5062.